
Dates: 15th, 19th February, 1st, 5th March 2021
Application deadline: 7th February 2021


MY DOCUMENTS has a minimal format: the artist on stage with his or her documents: a way of bringing to light the kind of research that often gets lost in a nameless folder in a computer.

The lecture performance as a genre was created by Joseph Beuys and Robert Smithson as a way of turning a speech into a work of art. In recent years, the format has proliferated in theatre, dance and the visual arts, becoming one of the variants of conceptual performance.

This workspace invites artists from different backgrounds to develop their own lecture performance based on a present personal research, a radical experience, a story that secretly obsesses them. MY DOCUMENTS seeks to delve into the genre in search of a contagion among conceptual art, research, and theatre. A space where speeches, formats and audiences can come together from different disciplines.

During the sessions participants are going to work together with Lola Arias as they write a fixed text, combining it with their own materials (pictures, videos, music, documents). 



Dates for the meetings:
15th and 17th February, 1st and 5th of March
Place: ZOOM platform 
Time: 02:00 PM CE
Duration: 3 hours each session

There is no charge for taking part in the meetings.
The sessions will be held in English.
The meetings will be recorded and result possibly with a public show of selected fragments from these recordings.

Deadline for applications: 7th February 2021
Notification for selected participants: 10th February 2021

Applications from artists of all backgrounds and art students are welcome (playwrights, theatre directors, visual artists, actors, dramaturges, among others). 

A group of 12 participants will be selected to take active part in the workspace. 
Additionally, a group of participants will be selected to observe the workspace.


Lola Arias (Buenos Aires, 1976) She is a writer, theater director, artist and performer. She collaborates with people from different backgrounds (war veterans, former communists, Bulgarian children, etc) in theatre, literature, music, film and art projects. Her productions play with the overlap zones between reality and fiction. Arias' works has been presented worldwide.

Her most recent theatre plays are Minefield (2016), which brings together British and Argentinian veterans of the Falkland / Malvinas war to share their experience of the conflict and life since, and Atlas des Kommunismus (2016), which puts together stories of women between the ages of 8 and 84 with GDR backgrounds at Maxim Gorki Theatre, Berlin. In 2019 she staged there as well Futureland, a science-fiction documentary piece with teenagers aged 14 to 18, who came to Germany alone from Afghanistan, Syria, Somalia, Guinea, Bangladesh.

For My Documents | Share your screen (pandemic version 2020) Lola Arias invited several artists, from dance, documentary film, visuals arts and theatre to delve into their personal archives. In this new global version, artists from different parts of the world were virtually there, in their new domestic stage, showing their archive on a shared screen with the audience. The audience could have seen the performance live, make comments and exchange visions and insights afterwards. 

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